Winterlude Thank you!

Dear School for Strings Families,
The Parent Committee would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make our first virtual interdepartmental fundraising concert, Winterlude 2020, a great success!
First, to those who participated: We all know firsthand what it takes to carve out the time, set up the equipment, prep the performer as well as the space and we appreciate your willingness to do so. Not only was gathering as a community something we have sorely missed, it was also a thrill to have the chance to enjoy students of all ages, from all departments, on a single program. Both the talent and the spirit of the day beautifully demonstrated why we all chose School for Strings and why we, as Suzuki parents, do what we do. What was born of nostalgia for our pre-pandemic traditions, the desire to simply be together and connect with our families and friends through music, has not only bolstered morale for the community but also has offered support to the financial standing of our beloved SFS during this challenging time.
Thanks to your participation and generosity, and that of your friends and family, Winterlude 2020 is very close to having reached our goal of $55,000! As we compose this email, the GoFundMe campaign has already garnered $33,417. Add to that the very generous matches contributed by a few of our families, and our total becomes $53,417! It is a beautiful manifestation of the School for Strings spirit for which we are so grateful.
We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge those who put in the extra time and effort leading up to the event, as well as assisting the day of, making it safe, seamless and glitch-free. A very special thank you to Sasha, Kerry, Eva and Marina as well as the Parent Committee’s Honorary Elves, Howard, Lu, Stefan and Nikolas. Bravo and thank you to all the students who graced us with their beautiful music. And last but not least, of course our unending gratitude and appreciation for our devoted and incredible teachers, for without them, there would be no music to share.
Here’s to a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! May we bring the invaluable lessons learned in 2020 with us to 2021 to help us collectively build a more just, equitable and harmonious world!
The School for Strings Parent Committee
Julia Kopelson, Michelle Peperone Prini, Reina Scheiber-Loeis, Yvonne Tsao, and Rani Zarina Vaz
P.S. Should you still wish to donate, the GoFundMe LINK is here